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Check your Nauta balance

Keep track of your time navigating

Dunia avatar
Escrito por Dunia
Actualizado hace más de 4 años

When somebody wants to confirm if they've received an international Nauta recharge or simply needs to know how many hours of internet connection they have left, they'll need to check their Nauta balance.

There are three ways of doing so, depending on where the person is:

The person is at home:

If the person finds itself in a place with network reception in Cuba and has enabled the option to check the Nauta e-mail from its cellphone, the person can access the Portal Nauta. Here's how:

  • Enable the mobile data

  • Access a web browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Samsung Internet….) and type in

  • Log in Portal Nauta with the username and password

There, the person will have access to information regarding its Nauta account such as its balance and remaining connection hours as well as the possibility to transfer the balance to another account or top its account up.

Warning: The Portal's download speed directly depends on the reception in the area and whether the phone can connect to the Cuban 3G network.

The person is at a WiFi zone:

Before logging in a WiFi zone, or right after having logged out, there's a fairly simple way of knowing how much time there is left to connect to the internet without having to access the account.

  • Enable the device's WiFi connection

  • Type in the username and password at ETECSA's access site

  • Without clicking on "accept" (because that'd cause to log in the website) access "User information"

The person is at the Nauta WiFi:

To know exactly how much time of internet connection the person has left while Skyping, checking the apps on its phone or surfing the web, there's a really handy Cuban app called ETK.

  • The person must download and install ETK

  • Open the app when the person goes to the Nauta WiFi

  • In the app choose Nauta, and the Login Nauta

  • Login in with the user name and password and connect to the internet

By doing this, when the person connects to the internet via this app ETK, the app will display a little time counter with the remaining connection time during the whole session.

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